
- 직급부교수
- 학위공학박사
- 연구실E8-1동 107호
- 연락처043-261-2416
- 이메일jwyoon@chungbuk.ac.kr
- 홈페이지https://jeongwonyoon1.wixsite.com/emplcbnu
-박사: 성균관대학교 신소재공학과
-석사: 성균관대학교 신소재공학과
-학사: 성균관대학교 금속공학과
-충북대학교 신소재공학과 부교수 (2024.03~현재)
-충북대학교 신소재공학과 조교수 (2020.03~2024.02)
-한국생산기술연구원 선임/수석연구원 (2014.08~2020.02)
-삼성전자 LSI사업부 책임연구원 (2013.10~2014.07)
-삼성종합기술원 전문연구원 (2011.08~2013.09)
-2011~2020 Who’s Who in the World, Marquis Who’s Who 세계인명사전등재
-2011 Top 100 Scientists, International Biographical Association (IBA)
-2017~2018 Albert Nelson Marquis Lifetime Achievement Award, Marquis Who’s Who
-대한용접접합학회 2018년도 논문상
-제29회 대한민국 과학기술우수논문상, 한국과학기술단체총연합회 (2019)
-제12회 해동학술상 (해동젊은공학인상) (2021)
학부: 재료물리, 접합공학, 금속재료, 반도체패키징실험
대학원: ICT전자패키징, 전자패키지신뢰성특론
- 반도체/전자 패키징 (소재/공정/신뢰성)
- 미래자동차 전장모듈 소재/부품/패키징 및 응용
- 친환경자동차 (EV/HEV) 전력변환모듈 접합 소재/공정/신뢰성 평가
- 고온 대응 접합소재 개발 (Cu, Ag, Au base alloys, preforms and pastes)
- 기능성 전자 부품/기판 표면처리
- 고에너지(레이저/초음파/광원) 이용 접합 기술
1. Dong-Hwan Lee, Min-Seong Jeong and Jeong-Won Yoon, Comparative study of laser- and reflow-soldered Sn–3.0Ag–0.5Cu joints on thin-Au/Pd/Ni(P) substrate, Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Electronics, 34(3) (2023) 157
2. Hyeon-Tae Kim and Jeong-Won Yoon, Microstructures and mechanical properties of ENIG/Sn-3.5Ag/ENIG joints formed by ultrasonic-assisted solder bonding, Journal of Materials Research and Technology, 24 (2023) 4468-4483
3. Min-Haeng Heo, Young-Jin Seo and Jeong-Won Yoon, Novel and fast transient liquid phase bonding using etched Cu foam/Sn–3.0Ag–0.5Cu composite solder preform, Materials Today Communications, 35 (2023) 105730
4. Young-Jin Seo, Min-Haeng Heo, Eun-Chae Noh and Jeong-Won Yoon, Comparative study of solder size and volume effect on properties of Sn-3.0Ag-0.5Cu joints during isothermal aging, Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Electronics, 34(16) (2023) 1318
5. Min-Seong Jeong, Min-Haeng Heo, Jungsoo Kim and Jeong-Won Yoon, A comparative study of laser soldering and reflow soldering using Sn–58Bi solder/Cu joints, Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Electronics, 34(28) (2023) 1960
6. Hyeon-Tae Kim and Jeong-Won Yoon, Microstructures and mechanical properties of ultrasonic-welded Cu–Cu joints for power module terminals in electric vehicles, Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Electronics, 34(29) (2023) 1997
7. Min-Haeng Heo, Young-Jin Seo and Jeong-Won Yoon, Transient liquid phase bonding using Cu foam and Cu–Sn paste for high temperature applications, Journal of Materials Research and Technology, 27 (2023) 2856-2867
8. Eun-Chae Noh, Young-Jin Seo and Jeong-Won Yoon, Effects of solder ball size and reflow cycles on properties of Sn-3.0Ag-0.5Cu/Cu joints, Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Electronics, 34(33) (2023) 2176
9. So-Eun Jeong, Seung-Boo Jung and Jeong-Won Yoon, High-temperature stability of Ni-Sn intermetallic joints for power device packaging, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 890 (2022) 161778
10. Jeong-Won Yoon and Jong-Hoon Back, Metallurgically and mechanically reliable microsilver sintered joints for automotive power module applications, Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Electronics, 33(3) (2022) 1724-1737
11. So-Eun Jeong and Jeong-Won Yoon, Intermetallic compound transformation and mechanical strength of Ni-Sn transient liquid phase sinter-bonded joints in an extreme high-temperature environment, Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Electronics, 33(9) (2022) 6616-6626
12. Dong-Hwan Lee, Min-Seong Jeong and Jeong-Won Yoon, Comparative study of interfacial reaction and bonding property of laser- and reflow-soldered Sn-Ag-Cu/Cu joints, Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Electronics, 33(10) (2022) 7983-7994
13. Min-Seong Jeong, Dong-Hwan Lee and Jeong-Won Yoon, Effect of temperature on shear properties of Sn-3.0Ag-0.5Cu and Sn-58Bi solder joints, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 903 (2022) 163987
14. Min-Haeng Heo, Dong-Hwan Lee, Min-Seong Jeong and Jeong-Won Yoon, Effects of shear test temperatures and conditions on mechanical properties of Sn-Ag flip-chip bump, Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Electronics, 33(13) (2022) 10002-10012
15. Young-Jin Seo and Jeong-Won Yoon, Effects of solder volume and size on microstructures and mechanical properties of Sn-3.0Ag-0.5Cu solder joints, Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Electronics, 33(20) (2022) 16700-16709
16. Min-Seong Jeong, Dong-Hwan Lee, Hyeon-Tae Kim and Jeong-Won Yoon, Reliability of laser soldering using low melting temperature eutectic Sn-Bi solder and electroless Ni-electroless Pd-immersion Au-finished Cu pad, Materials Characterization, 194(2022) 112397
17. Jungsoo Kim, Seung-Boo Jung and Jeong-Won Yoon, Effect of Ni(P) thickness in Au/Pd/Ni(P) surface finish on the electrical reliabilityof Sn–3.0Ag–0.5Cu solder joints during current-stressing, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 850 (2021) 156729
18. Jong-Hoon Back and Jeong-Won Yoon, Comparative study of normal and thin Au/Pd/Ni(P) surface finishes with Sn-3.0Ag-0.5Cu solder joints under isothermal aging, Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Electronics, 32(20) (2021) 24790-24800
19. Jungsoo Kim, Seung-Boo Jung, Jeong-Won Yoon, Effects of crystalline and amorphous Pd layers on initial interfacial reactions at Sn-3.0Ag-0.5Cu/thin-Au/Pd/Ni(P) solder joints, Applied Surface Science, 503 (2020) 144339
20. Jungsoo Kim, Jong-Hoon Back, Seung-Boo Jung, Jeong-Won Yoon, Interfacial reactions and mechanical properties of Sn–3.0Ag–0.5Cu solder with pure Pd or Pd(P) layers containing thin‑Au/Pd/Ni(P) surface‑finished PCBs during aging, Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Electronics, 31(5) (2020) 4027-4039
21. So-Eun Jeong, Seung-Boo Jung, Jeong-Won Yoon, Fast formation of Cu-Sn intermetallic joints using pre-annealed Sn/Cu/Sn composite preform for high-temperature bonding applications, Thin Solid Films, 698 (2020) 137873
22. Jungsoo Kim, Seung-Boo Jung, Jeong-Won Yoon, Effects of a phosphorous-containing Pd layer in a thin-ENEPIG surface finish on the interfacial reactions and mechanical strength of a Sn–58Bi solder joint, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 820 (2020) 153396
23. Jeong-Won Yoon, Soyoung Bae, Byung-Suk Lee, Seung-Boo Jung, Bonding of power device to ceramic substrate using Sn-coated Cu micro paste for high-temperature applications, Applied Surface Science, 515 (2020) 146060
24. Jungsoo Kim, Jong-Hoon Back, Seung-Boo Jung, Jeong-Won Yoon, Effects of Ni layer thickness of thin-ENEPIG surface finishes on interfacial reactions and shear strength of Sn-3.0Ag-0.5Cu solder joints during aging, Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Electronics, 30 (2019) 12911-12923
25. Jungsoo Kim, Seung-Boo Jung, Jeong-Won Yoon, Optimal Ni(P) thickness and reliability evaluation of thin-Au/Pd(P)/Ni(P) surface-finish with Sn-3.0Ag-0.5Cu solder joints, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 805 (2019) 1013-1024
26. Jeong-Won Yoon, Young-Se Kim, So-Eun Jeong, Nickel–tin transient liquid phase sintering with high bonding strength for high‑temperature power applications, Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Electronics, 30 (2019) 20205-20212
상기 논문 포함 SCI(E) 논문 총 152편, 국내 학술진흥재단 KCI 등재학술지 총 34편, 미국/대한민국 특허등록 14편 등